10 pneumonia facts

10 pneumonia facts

In this article we will describe 10 pneumonia facts.

1. Definition of pneumonia – a serious lung infection of one or both of the lungs – caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or other microorganisms – with pus in the alveoli associated with new shadowing on a chest x-ray.

It is an acute illness that can come on rapidly – some cases over 4-6 hours.

There are various classification systems based on: 1. anatomy (which part of lung is affected); 2. cause (microorganism); and 3. where it is acquired (community, hospital etc).

2. Symptoms of pneumonia – can vary, but common ones include coughing (typically yellow/green sputum but can include blood) chest pain, fever, chills, shortness of breath, and fatigue.

3. Who gets pneumonia? Anyone can get pneumonia. But certain groups are more at risk, including young children, older adults, people with chronic lung diseases (like COPD) or weakened immune systems, and those with underlying health conditions.

4. Pneumonia can be mild or severe – and can sometimes lead to complications such as respiratory failure or sepsis.

5. Treatment for pneumonia – depends on the cause of the infection, but may include antibiotics, antiviral medications, or antifungal drugs – as well as intravenous fluids and oxygen. Most people need hospital admission. Severe cases may needing ventilation on the intensive care unit (ICU). Very mild cases can be treated at home with oral antibiotics.

.X-ray Atlas: Chest X-ray | GLOWMChest xray of right sided lobar pneumonia

6. Vaccines help prevent certain types of pneumonia – including the pneumococcal vaccine and the flu vaccine.

7. Pneumonia is a leading cause of death worldwide – particularly in low- and middle-income countries.

8. Environmental risk factors include smoking, and air pollution – and exposure to certain chemicals or irritants.

9. Good hygiene practices – such as washing your hands regularly and covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze, can help prevent the spread of infection – including pneumonia.

10. It is important to seek medical help ASAP – if you suspect you have pneumonia; as it can be a serious and potentially life-threatening condition.


We have described 10 facts about pneumonia. We hope you understand it better now.

Last Reviewed on 7 March 2024

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