Useful Links

United Kingdom
British Association Paediatric Nephrology (BAPN; UK association of childrens’ kidney doctors)
Chronic kidney disease (GP Gateway)
Chronic kidney disease (NHS website)
Chronic kidney disease (NICE)
EdRen (website from the Renal Unit at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary)
History of nephrology and transplantation timeline
infoKID (a charity for children and their families with CKD; it has a good glossary)
Kidney Care UK (KCUK; charity)
Kidney Research UK
Kidney Wales (Welsh patient website)
MyHSN (My Health Service Navigator; our sister website that teaches the public how to use the NHS better)
National Kidney Federation (NKF; charity)
NHS Blood and Transplant (co-ordinates kidney transplants in UK)
Patient Knows Best (PKB; where you can access your CKD blood tests)
Tik Tok Kidney Warrior (Darren Daniel, an patient with CKD who makes great videos)
UK Kidney Association (UKKA; UK association of kidney doctors, nurses and other health professionals). This includes the UK Renal Registry
UK Kidney History (history of nephrology and transplantation in the UK)

Kidneyhealth Australia (charity). This has a good A-Z of words related to kidneys and transplantation
ANZDATA (Australia and NZ registry)
Australian Institute Health Welfare (AIHW; Australian population health data)

American Kidney Fund (AKF; charity)
American Society of Nephrology (ASN; American society of kidney doctors)
Kidney pharmacist instagram
National Kidney Foundation (USA; charity)
United Network Organ Sharing (USA; co-ordinates kidney transplants in USA)
United States Renal Data System (USRDS; USA registry)
Uptodate (nephrology and hypertension) (USA; recent research)

Baxter Healthcare (dialysis company). This is useful patient information on the French version of their website
Chronic kidney disease (wikipedia)
European Renal Association (ERA; European society of kidney doctors)
Francophone Society of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation (SFNDT; French speaking doctors society)
This is derived from the Societé de Pathologie Renale (1948–49) which was the first national society of kidney doctors
Fresenius Medical Care (dialysis company)
International Society Nephrology (ISN; International society of kidney doctors)
International Society Peritoneal Dialysis  (ISPD) (International) (a very good Dutch CKD charity and website, with over 900 articles)

Kidney journals
American Journal of Kidney Diseases (AJKD)
American Journal of Nephrology
Clinical Journal of American Society of Nephrology (CJASN)
Clinical Kidney Journal, CKJ
Journal of American Society of Nephrology (JASN)
Kidney International
Kidney Medicine
Nature Reviews Nephrology
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Peritoneal Dialysis International
This is a list of current renal journals.


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