10 signs you may have chronic kidney disease

10 signs you may have chronic kidney disease (CKD)

  1. Urinary symptoms – especially passing more urine at night
  2. High blood pressure – it can be very high – over 180/110
  3. Shortness of breath and ankle swelling– you need to see a doctor soon. These are red flag symptoms
  4. Tiredness
  5. Pain
  6. Muscle weakness
  7. Not being hungry
  8. Itching
  9. Poor concentration and sleeping
  10. Other (non-specific) – including a feeling of deep cold, leg cramps and restless legs.

Note. If you have any of these symptoms, see your doctor, and have your kidney function measure – with a blood test for GFR/creatinine.


We have described 10 signs you may have chronic kidney disease (CKD). We hope it has been helpful.

Other resource

10 symptoms of CKD (longer article)

Last Reviewed on 5 April 2024

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