10 top travel tips for CKD patients

10 top travel tips for CKD patients 

Keep track of your kidney data with PKB

People with chronic kidney disease (CKD) can travel. Most people can travel to most places most of the time. But here are 10 top travel tips to make it safer but still fun. We hope the advice helps you.

1. Plan ahead

Before you travel, make sure to plan your trip with your doctor to ensure that your CKD will not be affected by the trip. This includes making sure you have enough of your medication to last the duration of your trip.

2. Pack accordingly

Make sure to pack any necessary medical equipment, such as a blood pressure cuff or glucose monitor, as well as extra medication.

3. Stay hydrated and don’t get sunburnt

It is important to stay hydrated when traveling, especially if you have chronic kidney disease. Make sure to drink plenty of water, and avoid dehydrating liquids such as large amounts of alcohol.

Avoid long periods in the sun. Wear long sleeves, a hat and high factor suntan lotion. Don’t get sunburnt. This is especially important for transplant patients.

4. Watch your diet

If you are on a particular CKD diet, you may need to watch your diet and avoid foods that may be high in salt, potassium, or phosphate. Make sure to bring your own snacks or meals if necessary.  Talk to your kidney doctor or nurse about this issue.

5. Take your tablets, injections and medical information

This is probably the most important advice. As well as taking more than enough supply of your tablets and injections, make sure you have an up-to-date letter from your kidney doctor (with their contact information) and an up-to-date drug list.


Keep your tablets and injections and medical information in your hand luggage near you

6. Monitor your symptoms 

If you experience any unusual symptoms, especially ankle swelling or shortness of breath, seek medical attention immediately.

7. Know the location of nearest hospital with a Renal Unit

Before you travel, make sure to research the location of the nearest renal unit at your destination in case of an emergency.

8. Have travel insurance

Make sure to have travel insurance in case of an emergency, as chronic kidney disease can lead to unexpected medical expenses.

9. Consider travelling with someone

Consider traveling with a companion, as they can assist you if you need help or have an emergency.

10. Take it easy but have fun!

Don’t overdo it on your trip. Make sure to rest and take breaks as needed. Remember that traveling with chronic kidney disease can be more tiring than usual, so make sure to pace yourself and listen to your body.

Note. It’s ok to break the rules occasionally! 😜


CKD patients can have safe and enjoyable trips and holidays. Make sure to plan ahead, pack accordingly, stay hydrated, watch your diet, monitor your symptoms, know the location of nearest renal unit, have travel insurance, consider a travel companion, and take it easy.

With these tips in mind, you can enjoy your trip or holiday without worrying about your chronic kidney disease.

Other resource

Travel advice for dialysis and kidney transplant patients


Last Reviewed on 5 March 2024

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