10 weight loss myths 

10 weight loss myths

In this article we will describe 10 weight loss myths. This article is also linked to another article on CKDEx: 10 weight loss facts.

Let’s deal with the biggest myth first.

1. Myth: What you eat is vital 

This is the worst weight loss myth, and a load of old ‘hoo-harr’. Whether a diet is high or low in fat, carbs, proteins or vitamin supplements is largely irrelevant – i.e. what you eat largely does not matter. It is how much. And almost all people will lose weight if they reduce calorie intake to under 2000 calories a day.

The key to sustained weight loss is a prolonged reduction in portion size (including calorific drinks).

Why does food type not matter so much? It is because the pH of the stomach is 2 (i.e. very acidic). So as soon as food hits the stomach, it gets broken down to the same stuff. Alot of it becomes glucose, even if it starts as ‘protein’ or ‘fat’ or ‘carbohydrate’.

Mega-Fact One – almost all people will lose weight if they reduce calorie intake to under 2000 calories a day. Full stop. Women may need to go under 1500 calories

2. Myth: Portion size does not matter

Some people think that eating after 8pm will cause weight gain, or fasting 2 days a week, or missing breakfast will increase weight loss. The timing of your meals and snacks does not have a direct impact on weight gain. It is the total amount of calories consumed throughout the day, regardless of the time you eat.

Mega-Fact Two – reducing portion size is the key to sustained weight loss. It is more important to focus on portion size and food choices – rather than the time of day you eat, and what you eat.

3. Myth: Losing weight is a linear process

Losing weight is usually not a linear process, as some people think. Some days and weeks you may lose weight, whilst during others you may gain a little bit. This is not a cause for concern. It is normal for body weight to fluctuate up and down by a few hundred grams.

For example, one day you may be carrying more food in your digestive system or holding on to more water than usual. This is even more pronounced in women, as water weight can fluctuate significantly during the menstrual cycle.

As long as the general trend is going downwards, no matter how much it fluctuates, you will still succeed in losing weight over the long term.

Fact – losing weight can take a long time. The process is generally not linear, as your weight may fluctuate up and down from day to day by small amounts.

4. Myth: Exercise makes you lose weight

This idea is often summarised as the advice ‘eat less, move more’. This is simply not true.

One way of losing weight is to burn more calories than you take in, using exercise. For this reason, it seems only logical that eating less and moving more would cause weight loss.

While this advice works in theory, especially if you make a permanent lifestyle change, it is a bad recommendation for those with a serious weight problem. This is because only very regular extreme types of exercise (a half marathon three times a week etc) burn off enough calories to make a difference. Even a longish walk a day burns relatively few calories.

A major and sustained change in perspective and behaviour is needed to lose weight. Restricting your food intake a little and doing more physical activity is not enough.

Instructing someone with obesity to simply eat less and move more is like telling someone with depression to cheer up or someone with alcoholism to drink less.

Fact – telling people with weight problems to exercise more (or just ‘eat less and move more’) is ineffective. It is advice that does not work in the long term.

5. Myth: Fat makes you fat

Fat provides around 9 calories per gram, compared with only 4 calories per gram of carbs or protein. Fat is very calorie-dense and commonplace in junk foods. But, as long as your food (and hence calorie) intake is within a healthy range, fat does not make you fat.

While packing your diet with unhealthy, high-calorie junk foods laden with fat will definitely make you fat, this nutrient is not the sole culprit. In fact, your body needs healthy fats to function properly.

Fact – whilst fat contributes to your total calorie intake, fat alone does not cause weight gain – if it is within the 2000 calories. As we have said in point 2, it is the amount of food you eat that matters. This largely relates to portion size

6. Myth: You have to avoid all sugar to be healthy

Sugar is not inherently bad, and small amounts of natural sugars found in fruits and dairy products can be part of a healthy diet. Again, as we stated in point 1, exactly what you eat does not matter that much. It is the amount that matters.

However, consuming excessive added sugars found in many processed foods and beverages can contribute to weight gain and other health issues.

Fact – moderation and mindful consumption of sugar is ‘OK’. Ditto re 2000 calories

7. Myth: Skipping meals helps you lose weight faster

Skipping meals can actually backfire and lead to overeating later in the day due to increased hunger and cravings. It can also disrupt your metabolism and energy levels.

In fact studies show that ‘breakfast skippers’ tend to weigh more than ‘breakfast eaters’. However, this is probably because people who eat breakfast are more likely to have other healthy lifestyle habits.

In fact, a 4-month study in 309 adults compared breakfast habits and found no effect on weight whether the participants ate or skipped breakfast.

It is also a myth that breakfast boosts metabolism and that eating multiple small meals makes you burn more calories throughout the day.

Fact – it is best to eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full, including breakfast. Eating regular, smaller balanced meals three times a day can help support healthy weight loss.

8. Myth: Fast food is always unhealthy and fattening

Not all fast food is unhealthy. Because of people’s increased health consciousness, many fast food chains have started offering healthier options. Why not try one.

But it is possible to get something relatively healthy at most restaurants. Most cheap fast food restaurants often provide healthier alternatives to their main offerings.

These foods may not satisfy the demands of every health-conscious individual, but they are still a decent choice if you do not have the time or energy to cook a healthy meal.

Fact – fast food does not have to be unhealthy or fattening. Ditto. A quality burger with salad made from good sources is OK. Also most fast food chains offer some healthier alternatives to their main offerings.

9. Myth: Weight loss diets, fasting and ‘diet-food’ work

The weight loss industry wants you to believe that diets work. However, studies show that fasting and dieting rarely works in the long-term. Notably, 85% of dieters end up gaining the weight back within a year. Additionally, studies indicate that people who diet are most likely to gain weight in the future.

The truth is that you probably should not approach weight loss with a dieting mindset. Instead, make it a goal to change your lifestyle permanently and become a healthier, happier, and fitter person.

If you manage to increase your activity levels, eat healthier, and sleep better, you should lose weight as a natural side effect. Dieting probably will not work in the long term.

‘Diet-foods’ can help you lose weight
Examples of ‘diet-foods’ include ‘low-fat’, ‘fat-free’, and processed ‘gluten-free’ foods, as well as ‘energy’ (i.e. high-sugar) beverages.

You should be sceptical of any health claims on food packaging, especially on processed items. In fact, if the packaging of a food tells you that it is healthy, there is a good chance it is the opposite.

Fact – intermittent dieting and ‘diet-foods’ usually do not work, despite what the weight loss industry would have you believe. It is better to change your lifestyle than to hop from diet to diet in the hope of losing weight.

10. Myth: People with obesity are unhealthy and thin people are healthy

It is true that obesity increases your risk of several chronic illnesses, including Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers.

However, plenty of overweight (and some obese) people with obesity are healthy – and plenty of thin people have these same chronic diseases.

It seems to matter where your fat builds up. If you have a lot of fat in your abdominal area, you are at a greater risk of metabolic diseases.

Fact –  many overweight people are healthy, while many thin people are not. But it is still true that obesity is linked to several chronic diseases, such as Type 2 diabetes.


We have described 10 weight loss myths. Focussing on portion size is the most important thing you can do. We hope you understand it better now.


Last Reviewed on 10 February 2024

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