80 most popular articles on CKD Explained in 2024

80 most popular articles on CKD Explained in 2024

CKDEx has over 1100 articles. These are our 80 most popular.

  1. Can kidney disease cause skin rashes?
  2. CKD Explained
  3. Nikki’s story part 3: my traumatic transplant experience
  4. Is bottled water better for you than tap water?
  5. How much does dialysis cost in the UK?
  6. Debates in nephrology: CKD staging system
  7. Sara’s story – the reality of being a kidney donor
  8. Nikki’s story part: 1 the beginning
  9. Nikki’s story part 2: home dialysis and having babies!
  10. What are the 10 best water tablets (diuretics)?
  11. CKD the basics – for health professionals
  12. What is an arteriovenous fistula (AVF) for dialysis?
  13. What should your GFR be at 70 years?
  14. What is the life expectancy with chronic kidney disease?
  15. History of peritoneal dialysis (PD)
  16. What do the kidneys do? (7 functions)
  17. CKD summary
  18. My GFR is 59, does this mean I have CKD?
  19. E Coli O145 outbreak in UK – HUS and AKI
  20. Progression of CKD and when doctors get concerned
  21. 10 CKD symptoms (and what causes them)
  22. What are the 5 P’s of CKD?
  23. Information for patients with CKD
  24. Complications of CKD – overview
  25. What is chronic glomerulonephritis?
  26. 10 interesting facts about kidneys
  27. When to start dialysis
  28. 10 common CKD symptoms
  29. Celebrities with kidney disease
  30. 10 AKI facts
  31. 5 key questions to ask your nephrologist on first appointment
  32. What is minimal change disease (MCD)?
  33. What is a renal angiogram and angioplasty?
  34. What is normal GFR?
  35. Where are the kidneys located?
  36. Gitelman syndrome – overview
  37. What is medullary sponge kidney (MSK)?
  38. Kidney blood tests explained
  39. 12 best foods for CKD named
  40. How many people are on dialysis in the UK?
  41. How many people have a kidney transplant in the UK?
  42. How many people have ESRF in the UK?
  43. 10 top tips for kidneys
  44. How does the glomerulus work?
  45. What is a glomerulus?
  46. CKD: 10 FAQs
  47. Can you drink alcohol with kidney disease?
  48. What did ancient people know about kidneys?
  49. How often should GFR/creatinine be monitored?
  50. What is a fistulaplasty and why do I need one?
  51. What is a urine dipstick?
  52. Life expectancy for people with CKD5
  53. Life expectancy for people with CKD3
  54. What is rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN)?
  55. What is post-infectious glomerulonephritis?
  56. What is mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis?
  57. What is membranous nephropathy (MN)?
  58. What is focal segmental glomerulosclerosis?
  59. Limitations of GFR
  60. Itching in haemodialysis patients
  61. Can my GFR get better?
  62. Unanswered questions in CKD, nephrology and transplantation
  63. History of renal transplantation
  64. What is sickle cell nephropathy (SCN)?
  65. Chronic kidney disease of unknown cause
  66. What is CKDu (chronic kidney disease of unknown cause)?
  67. CKD sick day rules
  68. What is HUS?
  69. Kidney blood tests explained
  70. From Bright’s Disease to CKD
  71. 10 key points about lupus
  72. 10 most common antidepressants
  73. Top tips for kidney transplants
  74. Outlook for CKD
  75. Loin pain haematuria syndrome
  76. History of nephrology timeline
  77. Can you drink alcohol with CKD?
  78. How can I help myself with chronic kidney disease?


We have listed the 80 most popular articles on CKD Explained in 2024. We hope it has been helpful.



Last Reviewed on 20 July 2024

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