30 common medical terms

30 common medical terms

  1. Abrasion: typically non-serious scrape or cut
  2. Abscess: pocket of pus that forms due to an infection
  3. Acute: short-term illness, usually of rapid onset – of varying severity
  4. Anaemia: condition when the level of haemoglobin, the protein in blood which carries oxygen round the body, is lower than normal
  5. Benign: will not cause cancer; not cancerous
  6. Biopsy: taking of a tiny sample of tissue for examination under a microscope
  7. Catheter: a small tube that can be passed through part of the body; for example through the urethra (to empty the bladder); or into a vein (for dialysis)
  8. Chronic: long-term illness, usually of gradual onset – of varying severity
  9. Contusion: bruise
  10. Defibrillator: device that restores a normal heart rhythm, by delivering an electric shock
  11. Embolus (or embolism): thrombus (clot) that has spread from somewhere else in the body (see thrombus)
  12. Epidermis: skin’s outer layer
  13. Fracture: broken bone or cartilage
  14. Gland: tissue or organ which produces a fluid for a certain purpose
  15. Haematoma: solid swelling of clotted blood within tissues
  16. Hypertension: high blood pressure
  17. Inpatient: patient admitted to a hospital
  18. Intravenous (IV): fluid or medication delivered through a vein
  19. Malignant: cancerous
  20. Metastatic: cancer that has spread (may be treatable)
  21. Nasogastric (NG): fluid or medication delivered through nose and into stomach
  22. Oedema: excessive fluid in body tissues (especially legs and lungs)
  23. Outpatient: patient that is treated without a hospital admission
  24. Prognosis: the predicted result of a disease’s progression
  25. Relapse: reappearance of a disease or symptoms after a patient has recovered
  26. Subcutaneous (‘subcut’; SC): fluid or medication delivered under the skin
  27. Sutures: stitches
  28. Thrombus: blood clot in artery or vein (see embolus)
  29. Transplant: process of removing an organ from one individual and placing it in another
  30. Vaccine: substance that promotes antibody production to boost immunity against disease.
Other medical terms
  • Sclerosis: hardening of tissue, typically due to excessive fibrosis
  • Sepsis:  life-threatening condition caused by the body’s response to an infection
  • Signs: what a doctor can see or find when they examine you
  • Symptoms: what you feel
  • Stenosis: abnormal narrowing of a body channel or passage
  • Ulcer: sore that develops on the lining of the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, or intestines
  • Zoonotic disease: sickness that is transmissible from animals to humans.

Other resources

A-Z of medical terms
40 common medical abbreviations and acronyms
40 common medical prefixes and suffixes
20 common diseases named after people (eponyms)

Last Reviewed on 25 May 2024

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