40 common medical starts (prefixes) and ends (suffixes) of words

40 common medical starts (prefixes) and ends (suffixes) of words

  1. A-, an-: without, lack of
  2. -ation: a process
  3. Brady-: slow
  4. Dys-: painful or abnormal
  5. -ectomy: surgical removal
  6. Hemi-: half
  7. Hetero-: different
  8. Homo-: same
  9. -ismus: presence of a spasm or contraction
  10. -itis: inflammation
  11. -lysis: decomposition
  12. Macro-: large
  13. Melan/o-: dark in colour
  14. Micro-: small
  15. -ology: study of a certain field
  16. -osis: indicates the presence of an abnormality
  17. -otomy: to cut
  18. -pathy: disease or disease process
  19. -plasty: surgical repair
  20. Poly-: many
  21. Pseudo-: false or deceptive
  22. Retro-: behind or backward
  23. Cardi/o-: related to heart
  24. Derm/a/o, dermat/o-: related to skin
  25. Encephal/o-: related to brain
  26. Gastr/o: related to gastrointestinal tract
  27. Haemat/o-: related to blood
  28. Hepato-: related to lungs
  29. My/o-: related to muscle
  30. Nephr-: related to kidneys
  31. Oste/o-: related to bone
  32. Pulmon/o-: related to lungs
  33. Resp-: related to lungs
  34. Rhin/o-: related to nose
  35. -sclerosis: hard or hardenings
  36. -stasis: slowing or stopping the flow of a bodily fluid
  37. Tachy-: fast
  38. Therm/o-: indicates heat
  39. Thyr/o-: related to thyroid gland
  40. Trache/o-: related to trachea.
Some other medical prefixes and suffixes
  • Andr/o-: male (e.g. androgen – male sex hormone)
  • Anti-: against (e.g. anticholinergic drugs – drugs that counteract the effects of acetylcholine)
  • Auto-: self (e.g. autocrine – a substance acting on the same cell that produces it)
  • Bio-: life (e.g. biology – the study of living organisms)
  • Chem/o-: chemistry (e.g. chemotherapy –  treatment using chemical agents)
  • Cerebro-: related to brain
  • Contra-: against (e.g. contraception – prevention of pregnancy)
  • Cyt/o-: cell (e.g. cytokine – a signalling molecule produced by cells)
  • Dis-: separation or taking apart (e.g. dissection – cutting apart of tissue)
  • Eu-: good or well (e.g. euvolaemic)
  • Fibr/o-: fibre (e.g. fibrosis – excessive fibrous tissue formation)
  • Gluco- or glyco-: glucose or sugar (e.g. glycogen – stored form of glucose)
  • Gyn/o- or gynaec-: Female (e.g. gynaecology – study of female reproductive system)
  • Hydr/o-: water (e.g. hydrocephalus – accumulation of fluid in the brain)
  • Hyper-: more of (e.g. hypertension)
  • Hypo-: less of (e.g. hypovolaemia)
  • Idio-: self or one’s own (e.g. idiopathic – of unknown cause)
  • Lyso- or lys-: Break down, destruction, or dissolving (e.g. lysosome – cellular organelle that breaks down waste).
  • Mal-: bad or abnormal (e.g. malignant)
  • Myc/o-: fungus (e.g. mycetoma – fungal infection)
  • Necr/o-: death (e.g. necrosis – tissue death)
  • Neo-: new (e.g. neonate – newborn)
  • Oxy-: sharp, acute, or related to oxygen (e.g. oxytocin – hormone involved in labour and milk release)
  • Pan- or pant/o-: all or everywhere (e.g. pancytopenia – deficiency of all blood cell types)
  • Pharmaco-: drug or medicine (e.g. pharmacist – a professional who dispenses medications)
  • Psych:- related to mind
  • Re-: again or backward (e.g. rejuvenation – restoration of youthfulness)
  • Somat/o-: body or bodily (e.g. somatic cell – any cell except reproductive cells).

Other resources

Medical prefixes and suffixes
40 common medical abbreviations and acronyms
30 common medical terms
20 common diseases named after people (eponyms)

Last Reviewed on 24 May 2024

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