5 key questions to ask your nephrologist on your first appointment

5 key questions to ask your nephrologist on your first appointment

It can be a frightening experience being referred to a nephrologist – i.e. a hospital kidney specialist doctor. But they are there to help you, and can do a lot to improve your kidneys. Let’s start with a basic but important question.

1. Reason for referral

“Why have I been referred to see you?”

2. Diagnosis (i.e. cause of CKD if I have it)

“Why are my kidneys not functioning properly – i.e. what is the diagnosis? Please write that down for me.”

3. Kidney function 

“What is my creatinine, eGFR and what stage of CKD am I at, what does that mean? How quickly is my kidney function decreasing?”

Note 1. The higher the creatinine, the lower the GFR, the worse the kidney function; and the higher stage of CKD you will be at. Stage 5 is worse than Stage 1.
Note 2. The creatinine should be below 120 mcmol/L, GFR above 60 ml/min.

CKD Stage 3B or higher is a concern.

Next. Write these numbers down. Patients with chronic kidney disease should know these numbers all the time – as it is the only way of telling how good/bad the kidneys are.

4. Treatment

“What treatment options are there, and which do you recommend? And what are the side effects of that treatment?”

[“hopefully this website will help a bit!” CKDEx Ed]

5. Slow progression of CKD?

“Is there anything I can do to slow, delay or even reverse my kidney function?”

Finally (before you leave) .. two more things ..
  1. “Please write down your surname and your secretary’s telephone number and email address – in case I need to contact you, or ask you more questions?”
  2. “Oh yes. Can I have copies of any correspondence relating to my care please”

This is the first of two articles on questions to ask your nephrologist. These are questions to ask on your second appointment.

Last Reviewed on 25 June 2024

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