7 kidney functions

7 kidney functions

The kidneys primary role is to be the body’s dustmen. But, in fact, this is only one of their 7 functions.

The kidney has 3 excretory functions – i.e. removes things:

Waste removal (dustmen role)
Excess water removal  
Acid removal.

And 4 metabolic functions – i.e. or makes or activates (strengthens) substances:

Blood pressure control (makes renin)
Anaemia, red blood cells and erythropoietin (EPO) (makes EPO)
Vitamin D activation (activates cholecalciferol)
Make prostaglandins.


We have described the 7 kidney functions. We hope it has been useful.

Other resources

What do the kidneys do (longer article)


Last Reviewed on 27 May 2024

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