Dr Andy Stein

What causes acute interstitial nephritis (AIN)?

What causes acute interstitial nephritis (AIN)? Acute interstitial nephritis (AIN) is an acute inflammation of the ‘tubulo-interstitium’ of the kidney. This is mainly in the medulla (inner area) of the kidney. In other words, it is not in the glomeruli (mini-filtering units), which are mainly in the cortex (outer area) of the kidney.  It is […]

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Pruritus and clinical outcomes in CKD patients not on dialysis

Pruritus and clinical outcomes in CKD patients not on dialysis Why is this important? Itching is a frequent symptom experienced by people with chronic kidney disease (CKD). In a recent study by Scherer, 2023 the associations of CKD-associated pruritus (CKD-aP) with clinical outcomes were investigated. What did the study show? 4,410 patients from Brazil, France,

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Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about kidney transplants

10 frequently asked questions (FAQs) about kidney transplants 1. What is the life expectancy of a transplanted kidney? On average, a kidney transplant from a living donor lasts for 15-20 years, while a kidney from a deceased donor lasts 10-15 years. Kidney survival is improving (Poggio, 2021). But is very variable depending on the age

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