Dr Andy Stein

CKD facts and myths

CKD facts and myths Chronic kidney disease (CKD) means a long term impairment of kidney function, or abnormal structure (with normal GFR). There are a lot of myths and facts associated with CKD. Here goes. How common is CKD? Myth 1: Chronic kidney disease is a rare condition. Fact. You may be surprised to learn […]

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Lack of validation amongst home blood pressure devices 

Self-measured blood pressure (BP) monitoring (i.e. taking your blood pressure yourself at home) is recommended for: Long-term BP self-monitoring – of patients with high blood pressure (hypertension) Confirmation of hypertension – when 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring is unavailable. However, less than 15 percent of commercially available blood pressure devices worldwide have published information on

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10 common CKD symptoms

10 common CKD symptoms Keep track of your kidney data with PKB What are 10 symptoms of chronic kidney disease? Here they are. Urinary symptoms High blood pressure Shortness of breath and ankle swelling (red flag symptoms) – you need to see a doctor soon Tiredness Pain Muscle weakness Not being hungry Itching Poor concentration

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