Dr Andy Stein

Is CKD of unknown cause (CKDu) or Mesoamerican nephropathy (MeN) due to climate change?

Is CKD of unknown cause (CKDu) or Mesoamerican nephropathy (MeN) due to climate change? CKD of unknown cause (CKDu) or Mesoamerican nephropathy (MeN; also known as Mesoamerican endemic nephropathy), is a chronic kidney disease (CKD) that especially affects Central America and parts of Asia. It has also been reported in Africa, the Middle East and

Is CKD of unknown cause (CKDu) or Mesoamerican nephropathy (MeN) due to climate change? Read More »

Cryptosporidium outbreak in Devon: could it cause AKI?

Cryptosporidium outbreak in Devon: could it cause AKI? In this article we will describe the recent cryptosporidium outbreak in Devon:, and answer the question ‘could it cause AKI?’ Cryptosporidium Cryptosporidium parvum protozoa positive (red sphere shape) in human poo smear. What is Cryptosporidium? It is a microscopic parasite Cryptosporidium, sometimes called ‘crypto’, is a group

Cryptosporidium outbreak in Devon: could it cause AKI? Read More »

What is an arteriovenous fistula (AVF) for dialysis?

What is an arteriovenous fistula (AVF) for dialysis? In this article we will describe what is a fistula (or arteriovenous fistula, AVF) for dialysis. Key points An arteriovenous fistula is formed during an operation The surgeon joins a vein and an artery together in your arm, in preparation for dialysis A fistula enables haemodialysis to take

What is an arteriovenous fistula (AVF) for dialysis? Read More »

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