Carers are our heroes!

Carers are our heroes!


Carers provide:

  1. Emotional Support
  2. Practical Assistance
  3. Advocacy
  4. Quality of Life.

All of which can provide support to patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Why are carers important?

They are not just important, they are vital. Carers and support networks play a crucial role for people with kidney disease for several reasons:

1. Emotional Support. Dealing with a chronic illness like kidney disease can be emotionally challenging. Carers and support networks provide emotional support, understanding, and encouragement to help individuals cope with their condition

2. Practical Assistance. People with kidney disease may require assistance with daily tasks, such as transportation to medical appointments, meal preparation, or managing medications. Carers and support networks can provide practical help to ensure that individuals can focus on their health

3. Advocacy. Carers and support networks can advocate on behalf of individuals with kidney disease, ensuring that their needs are met; and that they receive appropriate care and support from kidney doctors, nurses and other healthcare providers

4. Quality of Life. Having a strong support system can improve the quality of life for people with chronic kidney disease. It can reduce feelings of isolation, increase motivation to follow treatment plans, and enhance overall well-being.

Overall, carers and support networks are essential in helping individuals with chronic kidney disease navigate the challenges of their condition, and improve their overall quality of life.

On behalf of all patients, we’d love to say an enormous “thank you” to our carers, our support networks and loved ones who look after us with every day. Thank you so much ❤️

Other resources

Supportive care of CKD
The role of charities in kidney disease
7 treatments for CKD
Information for CKD patients

Last Reviewed on 26 June 2024

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