CKDEx videos

CKDEx videos

A patients story – Darren, the Tiktok kidney warrior



Question time with Doctor Andy Stein. Doctor Andy is a consultant Nephrologist at Coventry Hospital. #doctorandy #ttkwarrior #kidneydoctor #kidneyexpert #chronickidney #kidneyquestions

♬ original sound – Tiktok Kidney Warrior


How the kidneys work
Kidney physiology (health professionals)

This is the science behind how the kidneys work – is complicated. It is beyond the remit of this website to explain it all. But this is a very good summary video. It is largely for health professionals. But we hope you all get something out of it.

Effects of CKD
What is CKD?
Embryology of kidneys



Last Reviewed on 4 April 2024

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