Healthy eating for people with chronic kidney disease (CKD)

Healthy eating for people with chronic kidney disease (CKD)

What is the best diet for CKD patients? There is no such thing as a ‘CKD diet’. But in this article we will cover:

  • ‘CKD diet’?
  • What should a kidney patient eat?
  • Healthy CKD diet
  • CKD diet restriction
  • CKD fluid restriction.
1. There is no such thing as a ‘CKD diet’
2. What should a CKD patient eat?

As we say, there is no such thing as a ‘CKD diet’ or a ‘best diet for CKD patients. Why?

  1. Most patients have ‘mild CKD’ (CKD1-2, CKD3A) – and no specific advice is usually required apart from the ‘have a healthy diet’ advice described below
  2. The range of diets is wide – even if you have more serious CKD (CKD3B to CKD5). For example doctors and dietitians will ask some patients to increase (or decrease) certain foods (containing, say, sodium, potassium or phosphate). All patients are different
  3. Dietary (and fluid) advice changes during the course of CKD – see last section.

3. What’s a healthy kidney-friendly CKD diet?

A healthy, balanced diet can help improve your general health and reduce your risk of developing further problems.

A balanced diet should include:

  • Plenty of fruit and vegetables – aim for at least 5 portions a day
  • Meals that include starchy foods, such as potatoes, wholegrain bread, rice or pasta
  • Some dairy or dairy alternatives
  • Some beans or pulses, fish, eggs, or meat as a source of protein
  • Low levels of saturated fat, salt and sugar.

CKD and Diet - Kundan Kidney Care Centre

You may also be able to lower your blood pressure – which helps control CKD – by eating a diet rich in fruit, vegetables, fish, nuts, legumes, and healthy fats, such as olive oil.

4. CKD diet restriction

You may also be given advice about dietary changes that can specifically help with chronic kidney disease, such as limiting the amount of sodium, potassium or phosphate in your diet.

Confusingly this advice may change in the course of CKD. For example, early in the disease process, you may be asked to restrict protein, and then whilst on haemodialysis, increase protein intake.

5. CKD fluid restriction

Most patients on dialysis (especially those on haemodialysis) and many with advanced CKD (CKD4; including a failing transplant) or nephrotic syndrome, will be asked to restrict fluid intake to 1-2L/day.

This can be very hard. But, the big BUT .. as with dietary restriction, those same patients may have been asked to ‘push fluids’ at an earlier stage of CKD.

[“Mm, folks. These kidney doctors cannot make their mind up .. again.” CKDEx ed]


We have described healthy eating for people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) – with 5 top tips. We have emphasised that there is no such thing as a ‘CKD diet’. We hope this helps.

Other resources

12 best foods for CKD named
Healthy lifestyle for CKD patients
This is more advice on a CKD diet from the renal team at UHCW Coventry
Here is more advice on kidney-friendly foods from the USA.

Last Reviewed on 22 April 2024

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