How do I change my GP (general practitioner)?

How do I change my GP (general practitioner)?

It is quite easy actually.

First of all, yes you can. All general practices are not the same. And not all patients and doctors get on. You may have a problem with the GPs in your local general practice, and do not like their manner or style.

Some are better (and less good) at some things. If you are not happy with yours, you can move to another. You should try.

Go to the one you like, and ask to register there and your records will be sent to them. You do not have to explain why you want to move.

If you cannot find one, ring your local ICS/ICB (integrated care system/board) and they will help. You can even ask for one that is particularly skilled or experienced in your type of problem.


We have explained ‘how do I change my GP (general practitioner)?’ We hope it is clearer now.

Last Reviewed on 11 March 2024

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