How CKD is defined

How CKD is defined

Keep track of your kidney data with PKB

It is surprisingly difficult to come up with a simple was of conclusively diagnosing CKD. This is partly as it is quite hard to define.

This is partly because chronic kidney disease (CKD) is not a diagnosis. It is a syndrome (group of diseases) with many specific causes (diagnoses). So, here are two definitions.

The Purpose of Lexical Definitions

So. How is CKD defined? This is a quite complex ‘doctors definition of CKD’
  1. ‘Functional CKD’ = an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR; see below) of <60 mL/min – that is present for at least three months (i.e. measured at least twice), with or without evidence of kidney damage; or,
  2. Structural CKD’ = evidence of kidney damage with or without decreased GFR – that is present for at least three months, as shown (by 1 or more of):
    • Albuminuria (protein in urine),
    • Haematuria (blood in urine, after exclusion of urological causes),
    • Structural abnormalities (e.g. polycystic kidneys) on renal ultrasound)
    • Pathological abnormalities (e.g. on kidney biopsy)
    • Electrolyte and other abnormalities due to tubular disorders
    • History of kidney transplantation.

This definition is based on the 2024 KDIGO CKD guideline (Stevens, 2024).

Stages of CKD/GFR

CKD is graded into stages 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 4 and 5 – from minor to severe kidney disease.

Stages of CKD of all types - Diabetes Canada

Who needs to be referred to a nephrologist?

If your GFR falls below 60 ml/min (Stage 3A CKD), your GP should discuss you with a hospital based kidney disease specialist (called a nephrologist). If your GFR is less than 30 ml/min (Stage 4 CKD) you should see a nephrologist. A GFR below 15 ml/min (Stage 5 CKD) indicates that you need to start a treatment for kidney failure (dialysis or a kidney transplant).

Urine ACR and CKD stage/GFR

To make things a bit more complicated [“great, thanks!” CKDEx Ed] the urinary ACR is combined with the CKD stage (Grade or ‘G’ 1-5) to estimate the outlook for someone with CKD.

In other words, CKD can be described in one patient as ‘CKD G4 A3’, and that has a worse outlook than for a patient with ‘CKD G2 A1’. So a higher level of albuminuria worsens the outlook as does a lower GFR. This dual classification is shown in this table.


We have described how CKD is defined. We hope it has been helpful.

Other resources

What is CKD?
What is a normal GFR?
5 stages of GFR explained


Last Reviewed on 23 April 2024

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