How long does it take to progress from Stage 3 CKD to Stage 4 CKD?

How long does it take to progress from Stage 3 CKD to Stage 4 CKD?

12.7 years.

The length of time it takes to progress from Stage 3 chronic kidney disease (CKD) to Stage 4 CKD depends on various factors, including age, gender and ethnicity – and especially the cause (diagnosis) of CKD.

However one study found that the average length of time a person spends in Stages 3A and 3B CKD is 12.7 years (Ku E, Johansen KL, McCulloch CE. Time-centered approach to understanding risk factors for the progression of ckdClin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2018; 13(5): 693-701).

Note. Not all people progress (worsen) from CKD3 to CKD4. Some stabilise, a few get better completely.

Last Reviewed on 5 April 2024

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