How to get urgent help for mental health

How to get urgent help for mental health

We will describe how to get urgent mental health help. There is the range of services.

Mental Health Crisis Team (MHCT)

Contact the Mental Health Crisis Team (MHCT), if you, or someone you know, requires urgent mental health help today. You can get the information about the service from your local mental health trust website.

To find that, you can do an internet search for your location eg ‘Gloucestershire’ or ‘Cambridgeshire’ and ‘mental health trust’.

Your local mental health trust website will usually have information on how to access urgent help from the mental health crisis team.

Consultant Psychiatrist

If you have a psychiatrist, and you ring their secretary, they may be able to get you seen tomorrow. This is largely Mon-Fri 9am-5pm.

NHS 111

You can also call 111 for urgent help (or 999 in an emergency), just as you would for a physical health problem.

Accident and Emergency

Emergency mental health help can be accessed by visiting your local A&E.


We have described how to get urgent mental health help. If you are very unwell, please access these services as soon as possible. There is a lot we can do.

Last Reviewed on 29 April 2024

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