How to park free at hospital

How to park free at hospital

Most people have to pay for hospital parking in England and Northern Ireland. This includes patients, visitors and staff. It is free in Wales and Scotland.

Most hospitals put some of the profit back into car park maintenance and patient care. The revenue from hospital parking in England is over £250m a year.

Parking rules are quite different around the UK; and different in different hospitals.

Nonetheless, the following groups should get free parking in England:

  • Disabled patients and visitors – receive free parking at the hospital. Disabled employees receive free parking whilst at hospital for work.
  • Frequent outpatient attenders – defined as all outpatients who attend hospital at least 3 times a month, over at least 3 months. This includes radiotherapy, chemotherapy and kidney dialysis patients. For some, the costs have to be claimed back from the hospitals general office retrospectively with evidence of those attendances.
  • Parents of sick children staying overnight – receive free parking 7.30pm-8.00am whilst visiting their child. This applies to a maximum of 2 vehicles.
  • Staff working night shifts – defined as those with a shift starting after 7.30pm and ending before 8.00am. They receive free parking for the duration of their shift.


We have described how to park free at hospital. Yes, it is quite complicated and rules are different in different hospitals, and in different parts of the country.

[“As the above can be quite a hassle, as well as finding a parking spot, it may be better to use public transport to get the hospital” CKDEx Ed.]

Last Reviewed on 11 March 2024

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