List all types of AHP (allied health professional) in the NHS

List all types of AHP (allied health professional) in the NHS

In this article we will give a list all types of AHP (allied health professional) in the NHS.

  • Art therapist
  • Audiologist
  • Chiropodist/podiatrist
  • Dietitian
  • Drama therapist
  • Medical physicist
  • Music therapist
  • Occupational therapist (OT)
  • Operating department practitioner (ODP)
  • Orthoptist
  • Paramedic
  • Pharmacist
  • Physician associate (PA)
  • Physiotherapist
  • Prosthetist/orthotist
  • Psychologist
  • Radiographer (two types)
  • Social worker
  • Speech and language therapist (SALT).

Note. There is no accepted definition of what an AHP is. We are presuming it to mean a health professional who is not a doctor or nurse. Some of the above may not think they are an AHP.


We have given a list all types of AHP (allied health professional). We hope it has been helpful.



Last Reviewed on 7 March 2024

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