New study of ‘double matching’ tissue type for kidney transplant patients

New study of ‘double matching’ tissue type for kidney transplant patients

Scientists are to start ‘double matching’ tissue type for kidney transplant recipients – in a bid to make sure the donated kidney is less likely to be rejected.

If the six-month pilot scheme at Hammersmith Hospital in London is a success then the initiative could be rolled out nationally, the NHS said.

The ’tissue type’ of white blood cells (from the donated kidney), will be matched by as close as possible to white blood cells of the recipient.

NHS Blood and Transplant said it was hoped to “improve patient outcomes”.

The NHS hopes that closer matching of white blood cell type – also known as ’tissue type’ or ‘HLA type’ – will mean the patient is less likely to reject the ‘foreign’ organ.

More information on the BBC website here.

Last Reviewed on 26 June 2024

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