Number of patients with ESRF in Europe in 2020

Number of patients with ESRF in Europe in 2020

Why is this important?

The European Renal Association (ERA) Registry collects data on patients with ESRF – i.e. on dialysis or with a kidney transplant – in Europe, and publishes it yearly. This recent paper, by Astley, 2023, is a summary of the ERA Registry Annual Report in 2020.

Data were collected from 52 national and regional registries from 34 European countries.

What did the study show?

A general population of 654.9 million people was covered by the ERA Registry in 2020. On 31 December 2020, the prevalence of ESRF was 931 (972 in the England and Wales) p.m.p – i.e. about 1 in 1000 of the population.

This means an average GP in the UK, who has 2000 patients on their books, will have two patients with ESRF.

However there was considerable variation in the prevalence of ESRF as shown by this diagram. For example, rates of ESRF are surprisingly low in Israel but high in Spain – reasons for this difference are unclear.

Prevalence of KRT on 31 December 2020 by country/region, unadjusted (left panel) and adjusted (right panel).

45% were older than 65 years. 60% were men.

Of these patients, 58% were on HD, 5% on PD and 37% were living with a kidney transplant.

The unadjusted 5-year survival was 41.8%. In other words, the outlook for patients with ESRF remains poor.

For patients having received a deceased donor transplant, 5-year survival rate was 86.2%, and for patients having received a living donor transplant, it was 94.4%.

How does this affect you?

It does not directly. But it is useful for countries to be able to compare data yearly; and compare information from year to year within a country. This is why there are renal registries. They aid planning of the care of patients with ERSF.

Last Reviewed on 26 June 2024

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