What are the side effects of antibiotics?

What are the side effects of antibiotics?

Antibiotics should only be used when prescribed by a doctor for some bacterial infections.

Anytime antibiotics are used, they can cause side effects.

Common side effects

These range from minor to very severe health problems and can include:

  • Rash
  • Nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea
  • Yeast infections (like Candida that can cause vagina thrush)
  • Antibiotic-resistant infection
More serious side effects
  • C. diff infection, which causes diarrhoea that can lead to severe colon damage and death
  • Severe and life-threatening allergic reactions.
Should I stop taking them if I get a side-effect?

No. Talk to your doctor, before stopping them – unless you very unwell.


We have described what are the side effects of antibiotics? We hope you understand them better now.

Other resource

This is good leaflet about antibiotics.

Last Reviewed on 8 March 2024

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