What are the symptoms of an allergy?

What are the symptoms of an allergy?

Are you coughing and sneezing? Want to know the symptoms of an allergy? Read on

But it is not as simple as that. The symptoms range from minor sneezing and coughing to severe difficulty in breathing.

Furthermore, the symptoms you experience because of allergies are the result of several factors. These include the type of allergy you have and how severe the allergy is.

If you take medication before an anticipated allergic response, you may still experience some of these symptoms, but they may be reduced.

Note. Everyone’s signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction are different. But they can be loosely divided into these 4 groups.

1. Food allergies

Food allergies can trigger swelling, hives, nausea and fatigue. It may take a while for a person to realise that they have a food allergy. If you have a serious reaction after a meal and you’re not sure why, see your GP soon. They may be able to find the cause of your reaction or refer you to a hospital consultant.

2. Seasonal allergies

Hay fever symptoms can mimic those of a cold. They include a blocked and runny nose, and swollen runny eyes. You can manage these symptoms at home using over-the-counter treatments. See your doctor only if your symptoms become unmanageable.

3. Skin allergies

A skin problem may be a sign of an allergy elsewhere. Or may be the direct result of exposure to an allergen – i.e. your skin is allergic to something its exposed to (contact dermatitis).

For example, eating a food you’re allergic to can cause several symptoms. You may experience tingling in your mouth and throat. You may also develop a skin rash.

Contact dermatitis, however, is the result of your skin coming into direct contact with an allergen. This could happen if you touch something you’re allergic to, such as a cleaning product or plant.

Types of skin allergies include:
  • Rashes. Areas of skin are irritated, red, or swollen, and can be painful or itchy
  • Eczema. Patches of skin become inflamed and can itch and bleed

Contact dermatitis. Red, itchy patches of skin develop almost immediately after contact with an allergen

  • Urticaria (hives). Red, itchy, and raised welts of various sizes and shapes develop on the surface of the skin

Hives - NHS Urticaria (hives)

  • Swollen eyes. Eyes may be watery, itchy or puffy
  • Itching. There’s irritation or inflammation in the skin
  • Burning. Skin inflammation leads to discomfort and stinging sensations on the skin.
4. Severe allergies

Severe allergies can cause anaphylaxis. This is a life-threatening emergency that can lead to breathing difficulties, light-headedness, loss of consciousness, and even cardiac arrest. If you’re experiencing these symptoms after coming in contact with a possible allergen, seek medical help immediately.


We have described what are the symptoms of an allergy. We hope it has been helpful.

Last Reviewed on 17 June 2024

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