What can an IAPT help with?

What can an IAPT help with?

Anxiety. Depression. Life problems.

If you are feeling anxious, or depressed, talk to your GP.

In England, they can refer you to a NHS counsellor called an Improving Access to Psychological Therapist (IAPT). You can have a course of 6 or more sessions.

IAPTs now work within something called NHS Talking Therapies.

Or. In England, you can (self) refer (i.e. refer yourself directly) to an IAPT therapist (counsellor). You can find contacts details from your local mental health hospital’s website. Or ring your GPs’ surgery to see if that is possible.

These therapists can help you to deal with life’s problems.

Other resources

What are NHS Talking Therapies?
What is an NHS IAPT?

Last Reviewed on 1 July 2024

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