What does progression of CKD mean?

What does progression of CKD mean?

‘Progression’ means worsening.

Why is the term used? It is used because some patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) progress – i.e. their kidney function (as shown by their eGFR) worsens – to end-stage kidney failure (ESRF). In most it does not.

This is also called Stage 5 CKD, or end-stage renal disease (ESRD) [“any more names?” CKDEx Ed]. Yes, actually. But we think 3 is enough for this page!

If this happens, you will require dialysis or a kidney transplant, or supportive care (neither dialysis or a transplant).

Fortunately only 1 in 100 people with CKD end up needing these treatments.

Does CKD get better?

Yes, it can do. In fact, in this large Canadian study, advancing age, CKD regression (getting better) or death (i.e. die with it, not from it) were more likely than CKD progression or kidney failure: Liu, 2021.

Other resources

How can CKD progression be slowed down?
Progression of CKD and when doctors get concerned
At what stage should you see a nephrologist?


Last Reviewed on 9 April 2024

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