What is a normal blood sugar level NHS?

What is a normal blood sugar level in the UK (NHS)?

Normal human blood sugar = 4-6 mmol/L.

How are prediabetes and diabetes diagnosed?

By testing your blood sugar (and HbA1C) levels.

Blood glucose in prediabetes and diabetes
  • Normal human blood sugar = 4-6 mmol/L
  • Prediabetes is diagnosed if your random blood sugar = 7-11 mmol/L (twice)
  • Diabetes is diagnosed if you have a random blood sugar > 11 mmol/L (or a fasting blood sugar > 7 mmol/L) (twice).


We have described what is a normal blood sugar level in the UK (NHS). We hope it has been helpful.

Other resource

How do you diagnose diabetes and prediabetes?

Last Reviewed on 5 April 2024

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