What is the average wait time in A&E?

What is the average wait time in A&E?

It is meant to be 4 hours or less. But actually it is not known. It is easier to state the maximum waiting time in A&E.  I.e. it should be four hours or less. Ok, so let’s expand on that a bit.

The waiting time target for patients in A&E is currently set to be less than 4 hours from arrival to admissiontransfer or discharge. What is that based on?

The NHS has a ‘4 Hour A&E Target’ – for emergency care. This is known as ‘4 Hours’. It states 95% of emergency patients should be seen, treated if necessary, and either discharged or admitted, within four hours from arrival at A&E.

The target has not been hit since July 2015.

Unfortunately as we all know, few patients are being seen and sorted in 4 hours at present. Many are waiting 8 hours or more. We are very sorry about this situation, and apologise. It will be sorted one day.

Note. There is also a ’12 Hour Trolley Wait’. This is a limit, not a target. It states patients should not wait to be admitted on a trolley in the A&E (or in an ambulance) for over 12 hours. The clock starts at time of decision to admit.

Most NHS targets are your legal right under the NHS Constitution.

NHS quicker

In some parts of the South West, there is a website and app called NHSquicker, which tells you the current waiting times in A&Es and other urgent care facilities, and so which one to go to.


We have described what is the average wait time in A&E. We hope it has been helpful.


Last Reviewed on 14 March 2024

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