What is the life expectancy with Stage 3 chronic kidney disease?

What is the life expectancy with Stage 3 chronic kidney disease?

It depends. And it is very variable.

Life expectancy with CKD in general depends on the person’s age and the stage at which diagnosis occurs.

Likewise life expectancy for stage 3 kidney disease depends on the age at diagnosis. One study found that the life expectancy for men and women, diagnosed with CKD stage 3A at the age of 40, was a little more than 24 years.

On the other hand, the same study found that being diagnosed with CKD stage 3A at age 60 resulted in a life expectancy of 10 years. In other words, CKD3 at this age should be considered more of risk factor (for more advanced kidney disease) than a disease itself.

This is why information on life expectancy with a diagnosis of Stage 3 CKD has to be interpreted with caution.


We have described what is the life expectancy with Stage 3 chronic kidney disease. It is very variable and so hard to generalise. You need to ask your doctor what ‘CKD3’ means for you. If its CKD3 and you are older, it may be no more than a risk factor (i.e. not a disease itself).

Last Reviewed on 15 June 2024

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