What is the most important function of the kidney?

What is the most important function of the kidney?

Now that’s a hard one [“we thought you might say that” CKDEx Ed]. Even though the kidneys have 7 main functions, two stand out.

So, here goes. The two vital functions of the human kidney are:

  1. Waste removal. Kidneys are excretory organs in the human body, removing toxic wastes and putting them in the urine
  2. Fluid balance. Kidneys also control and maintain water levels in the body, by removing water (also in the urine).

In both ways, the kidneys are the ‘bodys dustmen’ and get rid of excess wastes and water every day.

Note. The ‘other five’ are also very important, e.g. without the kidneys, erythropoietin (EPO) would not be made, the bone marrow would not be stimulated, and all humans would be anaemic feel tired and dreadful all the time.


We have described the most important function(s) of the kidney. Well there are two (waste removal and fluid balance). We hope that is helpful.

Other resources

7 kidney functions
What does the kidney do?

Functions of kidneys 1: waste removal
Functions of kidney 2: fluid balance (also affects blood pressure)
Functions of kidney 3: acid-base balance
Functions of kidneys 4: blood pressure control (makes renin)
Functions of kidneys 5: anaemia, blood cells and EPO (makes erythropoietin)
Functions of kidneys 6: vitamin D activation (activates cholecalciferol)
Functions of kidney 7: making prostaglandins.



Last Reviewed on 12 March 2024

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