When can I go back to work, school, college or uni after COVID-19?

When can I go back to work, school, college or uni after COVID-19?

Short answer = Day 6. Where Day 1 is the day of the first positive test. But we need to explain a couple of things first. It also depends on your employer. 

You should not go to work, school, college or uni if you have (or probably have) with COVID-19.

People with COVID-19 should self-isolate for 5 full days, starting the day after the first positive COVID test (Lateral Flow Test (LFT) or PCR).

You can return to work as long as they test negative (on a LFT) on day 5 and day 6, i.e. two days in a row. This is normally on Day 6, if the first day of the first positive test is Day 1, and if Day 5 and 6 LFTs are negative.

If not, you can return the day after two negative tests (LFTs) on consecutive days.


We have explained ‘when can I go back to work, school, college or uni after COVID-19?’ We hope its clearer now.

Last Reviewed on 7 March 2024

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