Why a suicidal person should go to A&E – and what happens

Why a suicidal person should go to A&E – and what happens

If you have having serious suicidal thoughts, do not delay. Ring 999 or go to A&E now

It may seem strange for a suicidal person go to A&E. You may think A. it’s not what they are for, as B. it’s not an accident or emergency. But it is. It is a mental health (MH) emergency and your life is in danger. Also, pragmatically, as there are no Mental Health A&Es, it may be the only place to go.

So. Tell me more about why a suicidal person should go to A&E.

What happens if I call an ambulance or go straight to A&E?

Calling 999 for an ambulance may help you before you get there. Why? Ambulance crews are trained to look after people that are going to hurt themselves or commit suicide. They can help you, even if you haven’t done anything yet – as it is still an emergency. They can support you and give you urgent psychiatric help.

Or a GP (or NHS111) may send you to A&E with an emailed note, and/or may ring them to warn them you are coming. They may think you should be admitted to a psychiatric hospital. For this reason, A&Es often have psychiatric nurses or doctors there ready to help you.

It may seem extreme, but getting admitted onto a psychiatric ward may be the best thing – and you will be out in a few weeks feeling a lot better.

Please talk about your feelings and mental health

Remember most people with (even bad) depression get completely better with treatment. Also, having these thoughts is nothing to be ashamed of. Its far better to talk to your loved ones about it, and seek help from the NHS.


We have described why a suicidal person should go to A&E – and what happens. If you have having such thoughts, do not delay. Speak to someone and consider A&E now.

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Last Reviewed on 7 March 2024

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