World’s biggest myth about the kidneys

World’s biggest myth about the kidneys

“Everyone must drink 3-4 litres of water a day. And this helps to ‘flush out the kidneys’ which prevents kidney stones and UTIs”

water pouring into glass - Chemical Industry Journal

Many sources of information (mostly non-medical and of dubious reliability) dogmatically assert that humans 3-4 litres of water daily to stay well hydrated and thrive. CKDEx knows no evidence for this dogma.

Many people old people who drink a lot of water develop urgency, frequency and often urinary leakage. This can be dangerous as it can lead to falls (and their consequences including fractures and head injury).

Water requirements are based upon ambient temperature and activity level. If you are sedentary and in a cool environment, your water requirements are significantly less than when in the hot conditions.

Heeding your thirst is one of the best ways of maintaining good hydration status, in other words, drinking when thirsty and not otherwise.

Last Reviewed on 3 March 2024

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